Monday, June 27, 2011

Day 22- Landscape

Day 21 - Micro {Up Close}
This is another shot from our trip to Drumheller. I love the badlands, I hope we can go back and do some exploring.

Day 21 - Micro {Up Close}

Day 21 - Micro {Up Close}
This is a close up shot of out little garden. I can't wait to eat these carrots! Carrots fresh from the garden are the best.

Day 20 - Water

Day 20 - Water 
When I am cooking dinner I try to find something to distract Jack for more than 2 minutes at a time. This can be hard since he is in a perpetual state of motion, all the time! So this is my favourite summer time distraction. I just fill a big bowl of water give him some spoons and ice cube tray's and a straw and let him go to town. By the end he is soaked and I usually have enough time to get dinner made.

Day 19 - Summertime

Day 19 - Summertime
This is Jackson and his little buddy Sunny eating popsicles in front of our house. What represents summer more than tasty drippy popsicles in the hot summer sun. Note Jackson's rain boots. He will fight you tooth and nail when it's raining outside if you try to get him to put these on. When it's 25c outside he will only wear the rain boots. What a goofy kid

Monday, June 20, 2011

Father's Day

This was Andrew's breakfast on Father's Day.
It was so tasty
Peppered bacon,poached eggs, avocado, cheddar on english muffins
potato pancakes and fresh fruit salad with banana, pineapple, strawberries, and mango.
Some tree climbing with his papa. 

Overall a lovely Father's Day for the best amazing papa

Day 15,16,18

Day 15 - Action
This was action jackson in the swings at the park. He was playing some game with his papa.

Day 16 - Mason Jar
This was a jar of failed Red Pepper Jelly that I had tried to make as a gift for my aunt. It never firmed up and I don't think it was sealed properly. I haven't tried to can anything since this failed attempt. I think I know what I did wrong and may try again. 

Day 18 - Eyes
Andrew has become the resident model for this photo challenge. Thanks Andrew for being so patient with all the photo's I have been taking. 

Drumheller/Royal Tyrrell Museum

On Thursday Andrew came home from work a bit drained from work, he declared Friday a family day! So we went to the dinosaur museum in Drumheller. Jackson was extremely happy in the car. He was content to drink his juice and watch the amazing scenery. I have officially fallen in love with the prairies. I was daydreaming the whole time, imaging what my life would be like on a farm. Baking pies, gardening and sitting out on the porch reading a good book. I think my idea of having a farm is not very realistic. Probably a lot more manure and early mornings and not as much Starbucks.

I love how you are just driving through the flat prairies and instantly you drive into the badlands. It happens so suddenly. It reminds me of the area around Cache Creek. 

The Dinosaurs were amazing! Jackson was instantly in love. It was the perfect family afternoon. We were in the museum for about 3 hrs and Jackson was so happy and not fussy at all. I was shocked but the Dinosaurs are just so cool. The museum is beautiful and not at all how I imagined.
We were outside for about 15 minutes just looking at the Dinosaurs at the entrance.

Huge T-Rex 'Black Beauty' So unreal, it's hard to imagine just stumbling across something so amazing during a fishing trip.
There was a soft shell turtle that Jackson fell in love with. I have to admit that it looked a bit creepy but Jackson was so into it.

Overall it was such a fun day. I loved being with my little family going on a dinosaur adventure. 
If you are ever in the Calgary are I seriously recommend going to the Royal Tyrrell Museum

Day 12 - Sun Flare

Day 12 - Sun Flare
This was from our trip to Drumheller this weekend. I love the big open skies of the prairies. It has only taken about 5 years but Alberta is slowly growing on me.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Day 13 - Reminds you of Childhood, Day 14 - Someone you love

Day 13 - Reminds you of Childhood
I loved Yop as a kid.  I would sometimes get a treat when we went to the Grocery store. I loved the tasty yogurty goodness. It reminds me of a time when it was just me and my mom. Unfortunately Jack has learned all about it. Plus I am sucker for getting him treats, especially gum balls, he has no idea that you eat them. He thinks they are just to play with.

Day 14 - Someone you love
Here are the two people I love the most in the world! My amazing husband and our little monkey! My heart just wants to ooze lovey, happy sentimental thoughts. They are my family
These two are always having so much fun together. Playing games, going on adventures, making waffles bringing me coffee! What more could a girl ask for

I skipped day 12 because lately it's been pretty grey and it's hard to get a picture of a sun flare when its so rainy all the time. I feel like i'm in Victoria in the middle of winter. I am ready for some nice weather. 

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Day 10 Animal & Day 11 Silhouette

Day 10 Animal

These are the Jack Rabbits that run around student housing all the time. They kind of freak me out sometimes. They just seem so hardcore, like the mean business. 

Day 11 - Silhouette 
This is Jack playing with his papa on the path home. He was jumping over this pothole for about 10 minutes. It may have had something to do with the Ice Cream we had just shared with him.

This is what happens when you are talking with your mom on Skype and you thing he is playing nicely with his dinosaurs. Nope, no two year old is ever that quiet! 
If he is quiet, that is your first indicator that something mischievous is happening. So much for that brand new container of dental floss.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Day 8-Sunset, Day 9 - Fresh Fruit

Day 8 - Sunset
Kind of a boring picture. Apparently taking outdoor sky pictures isn't my thing. 

Day 9 - Fresh Fruit
My homage to Amelie. Sweet delicious, tasty raspberries

Lately Jackson has been obsessed with our sun glasses. He isn't exactly gentle with them either. So I decided to buy a pair for him to play with. So far so good. He loves them. I am hoping he will start to wear them for more than 10 seconds at a time soon.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Day 6 & 7 Books & High Angle

Day 6 - Books
I used these books because they are always on my desk. I love all three so much. I make Jackson's pants with a pattern form Handmade Beginnings. The perfect everything tote from Weekend Sewing and a great summer hat from Little Things to Sew.

Day 7 - High Angle
I think this is what they meant by High Angle. I love how playful and silly he is. He was trying to quickly open the car door and scare me away at the same time. 

Days like today make me realize how quickly he is growing up. We went to the pool and he was going down the slide all by himself and trying to run away from me. Both things used to freak him out and now he just seems so brave and grown up. I can't believe he's two!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Day 5 - Breakfast

Day Five - Breakfast

I didn't get a chance to take a picture of my breakfast. I forgot that I was supposed to take a picture. By the time I remembered I was heading to the kitchen with my empty plate, Sigh...

The weather was amazing this afternoon, so we headed down to the river in hopes of seeing some trains.
Whenever I go anywhere with Jackson anymore I try to be mindful of his pace. I want him to be able to explore and not try to rush him past things that he obviously finds interesting.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Day 4 - Clouds

This was day four of the photo challenge (clouds) 
I went out to try to get a picture of the few clouds in the sky, It was kind of a crummy day. It was nice little surprise when the geese flew into my frame. 

Friday, June 3, 2011

Photo Challenge Day 3 - Hands

This is Jackson eating his first popsicle. I love summertime! I love how Jackson comes in smelling of sunscreen and his hands are sticky and covered in dirt. I feel like I am doing something right when he comes in at the end of the day covered in dirt!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Photo Challenge Day 2- Favourite Shoes

I love these shoes. They dry my feet and make them crack, yet I wear them everyday. This picture makes me insanely happy.

In other news my husband Andrew and his friend that is visiting from Germany have been nerding out all day. I love listening to them talk physics. It's nice when a friend you haven't seen in awhile comes back into your life, and it's as if they were never gone.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011